Conditions we treat

These are some common conditions that we treat as physiotherapists. Our approach can vary depending on the history, severity of your symptoms and any specific goals you may have. Get in touch with us, and we will address your unique circumstances.

  • Female patient at sterling physiotherapy describing and demonstrating the location of her neck pain to her physiotherapist

    Neck pain

  • A person suffering from a headache and migraine

    Headaches & migraines

  • Kew Physiotherapist assessing, treating and mobilising a patient's shoulder, upper arm, and back

    Shoulder pain

  • A patient on a treatment table at sterling physiotherapy receiving treatment from the physiotherapist

    Back pain

  • Female patient at kew physio receiving kinesiotape and strapping for an elbow and wrist injury

    Elbow & wrist pain

  • Patient at sterling physio kew with physiotherapist assessing the hip injury and condition

    Hip pain

  • Physiotherapist placing hands on a patient's knee to assess the knee joint and injury

    Knee pain

  • A man in pain resulting from an acute foot and ankle sprain injury

    Foot & ankle pain

  • Rugby match sports injury, due to heavy contact and impact landing

    Sports injuries

  • football soccer players stretching before a match to prevent and minimise risk of injury

    Injury prevention

  • Female worker experiencing acute or chronic low back pain due to the work environment and ergonomics setup

    Ergonomic injuries

  • pre post surgery assessment rehabilitation at sterling physio kew

    Pre/post-operative rehab

  • A person suffering from chronic pain

    Chronic pain

  • sterling physio patients engaged in an active session to improve their strength and balance, in order to prevent and minimise risk of falls

    Falls and balance

  • Doctor demonstrating and explaining an X-ray of a fracture in the patient's foot and ankle


  • The achilles tendon of a track and field athlete

    Tendon injuries

Specialty conditions

  • A woman experiencing jaw pain, or temporomandibular joint pain

    TMJ pain

  • A person suffering from chronic pain

    Chronic pain

  • A player collapsed on the field during a match due to a head collision and concussion

    Concussion management

  • An X-ray of a knee with osteoarthritis, managed my sterling physio in kew
